Difference between revisions of "Revision History"

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===v1.03 (in progress)===
* added general purpose, user labels
* background colour of GenGIS ''Viewport'' can be set by user in Study Properties Dialog
* background colour of GenGIS ''Viewport'' can be set by user in Study Properties Dialog

Revision as of 00:09, 10 May 2009

v1.03 (in progress)

  • added general purpose, user labels


  • background colour of GenGIS Viewport can be set by user in Study Properties Dialog
  • improved rendering quality of labels
  • labels associated with location sites can now be interactively positioned
  • the contents of the GenGIS Viewport can now be saved as a PNG file using File->Save image as...
  • added Python function convertGeoCoord() which allows geographic coordinates to be converted into GenGIS Viewport coordinates
  • added Python function addLine() which allows a user defined line to be rendered in the GenGIS Viewport
  • added Python function openTree() which allows tree files to be loaded
  • extended movieHelper.py to include setCameraParam() function
  • added warning message regarding optimization of leaf nodes for trees with degree > 9
  • various minor bug fixes


  • updated all Python scripts
  • various minor bug fixes