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* added support for 3 or 4-channel GeoTIFF images
* improved handling of OpenGL textures to support high-resolution GeoTIFF images
* significant improvements to rendering speed under Microsoft Windows Vista and 7 (and possibly XP and OSX although these rendered quickly before)
* changed default projection to plate carrée (equirectangular) projection as it can properly handle all maps
* fixed visual artifacts in compass widget under Microsoft Windows Vista and 7
* fixed (hopefully!) bug which occasionally caused a map to fail to appear when loaded
* modified handling of log file so it works under Microsoft Windows Vista and 7
* added additional log statements to help in debugging end users
* major bug fixes to OSX version:
* major bug fixes to OSX version:
** sequnces can now be loaded
** sequences can now be loaded
** layers can now be selected/unselected
** layers can now be selected/unselected
** map level-of-detail is now set properly
** map level-of-detail is now set properly

Revision as of 22:06, 3 May 2010


  • added support for 3 or 4-channel GeoTIFF images
  • improved handling of OpenGL textures to support high-resolution GeoTIFF images
  • significant improvements to rendering speed under Microsoft Windows Vista and 7 (and possibly XP and OSX although these rendered quickly before)
  • changed default projection to plate carrée (equirectangular) projection as it can properly handle all maps
  • fixed visual artifacts in compass widget under Microsoft Windows Vista and 7
  • fixed (hopefully!) bug which occasionally caused a map to fail to appear when loaded
  • modified handling of log file so it works under Microsoft Windows Vista and 7
  • added additional log statements to help in debugging end users


  • major bug fixes to OSX version:
    • sequences can now be loaded
    • layers can now be selected/unselected
    • map level-of-detail is now set properly
    • numerous cosmetic improvements
  • implemented dialog which allows user to specify which sequences are active
  • update dataHelper class to provide functions for placing sequences in the active set
  • added tree popup menu item to allow the order of points to be reversed
  • minor bug fixes to tree projection code
  • various minor bug fixes


  • modified colour pickers to improve their visual appearance under OSX
  • extended GenGIS Python API to allow modification of phylogenetic trees
  • added functionality to project trees onto a subset of taxa


  • added general purpose, user labels
  • Several extensions to the GenGIS Python API:
    • functions to obtain the width and height of the OpenGL Viewport.
    • functions for manipulating pie charts
    • functions for drawing markers, lines, and labels
    • several minor additions
  • trees of high dimensionality (> 9) can not be optimally laid out for computational reasons, so a heuristic layout is used
  • fixed memory leak related to incorrect use of Font class
  • shape maps now save any user modifications
  • various minor bug fixes


  • background colour of GenGIS Viewport can be set by user in Study Properties Dialog
  • improved rendering quality of labels
  • labels associated with location sites can now be interactively positioned
  • the contents of the GenGIS Viewport can now be saved as a PNG file using File->Save image as...
  • added Python function convertGeoCoord() which allows geographic coordinates to be converted into GenGIS Viewport coordinates
  • added Python function addLine() which allows a user defined line to be rendered in the GenGIS Viewport
  • added Python function openTree() which allows tree files to be loaded
  • extended movieHelper.py to include setCameraParam() function
  • added warning message regarding optimization of leaf nodes for trees with degree > 9
  • various minor bug fixes


  • updated all Python scripts
  • various minor bug fixes