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(New page: = Global objects = study - provides access to the Study Layer class layerTree - provides access to the Layer Tree Controller class viewport - provides access to the Viewport class camer...)
(7 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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= Global objects =
API for releases:
study - provides access to the Study Layer class
* [[GenGIS_API_2.0.0|GenGIS v2.0.0 & v2.0.1]]
layerTree - provides access to  the Layer Tree Controller class
* [[GenGIS_API_2.0.2|GenGIS v2.0.2]]
viewport - provides access to  the Viewport class
* [[GenGIS_API_2.1.0|GenGIS v2.1.0]]
camera - provides access to  the Camera class
mainWindow - provides access to  the Main Window class
graphics - provides access to  the Graphics class
colourMapManager - provides access to  the Colour Map Manager class
= Global functions =
SafeYield - Yields control to pending messages in the windowing system.
= Main Window class =
GetPointer - Get pointer to GenGIS window.
SetSidePanelVisibility - Set visibility of side panel.
SetConsoleVisibility - Set visibility of console.
OpenMapFile - Open map file.
OpenLocationsFile - Open location file.
OpenSequenceFile - Open sequence file.
OpenTreeFile - Open tree file.
GetExeDir - Get directory of GenGIS executable.
Quit - Exit GenGIS.
Write - Write text to the GenGIS console and the log file.
Warning - Write warning message to the GenGIS console and the log file.
Error - Write error message to the GenGIS console and the log file.
Yield - Yield control to main window for event processing.
= Graphics class =
AddLine - Add line to viewport.
RemoveLine - Remove line with a given id.
ClearLines - Clear all custom lines in viewport.
AddMarker - Add marker to Viewport.
RemoveMarker - Remove marker with a given id.
ClearMarkers - Clear all custom markers in viewport.
AddCylinder - Add cylinder to viewport.
RemoveCylinder - Remove cylinder with a given id.
ClearCylinders - Clear all custom cylinders in viewport.
AddLabel - Add label to viewport.
RemoveLabel - Remove label with a given id.
ClearLabels - Clear all custom labels in Viewport.
= Camera class =
SetPosition - Set position of camera.
GetPosition - Get current position of camera.
SetHeight - Set height of camera above terrain.
GetHeight - Get height of camera above terrain.
SetPitch - Set pitch of camera.
GetPitch - Get pitch of camera.
SetYaw - Set yaw of camera.
GetYaw - Get yaw of camera.
ZoomDelta - Change zoom (height) of camera by specified percentage.
TranslateDelta - Translate position of camera by specified amount.
PitchDelta - Change pitch of camera by specified amount.
YawDelta - Change yaw of camera by specified amount.
ResetView - Set camera to default position.
TopView - Set camera to provide a top 'orthographic' view of the terrain
GetMapExtentsZoom - Get zoom (height) of camera required to view entire map.
GetWindowHeight - Get height of the viewport.
GetWindowWidth - Get width of the viewport.   
= Terrain Controller class =
GetWidth - Get width of terrain.
GetHeight - Get height of terrain.
IsWireFrame - Determine if terrain is being rendered as a wireframe.
SetWireFrame - Set whether terrain should be rendered as a wireframe (True) or with texturing (False).
GetElevation - Get elevation at specified grid point.
GetExaggeratedElevation - Get exaggerated elevation at specified grid point.
GetElevationMap - Flag indicating if terrain contains elevation information.
GetMinElevation - Get minimum elevation.
GetMaxElevation - Get maximum elevation.
ProjectToTerrain - Project screen coodinates onto terrain.
ProjectToScreen - Project 3D world coordinates to screen coordinates.
GeoToGrid - Convert geographic coordinates to grid coordinates.
LatLongToGrid - Convert lat/long coordinates to grid coordinates.
GridToGeo - Convert grid coordinates to geographic coordinates.
= Layer Tree Controller class =
GetName - Get name of specified layer.
GetDescription - Get description of specified layer.
SetDescription - Set description of specified layer.
GetAuthours - Get authours of specified layer.
SetAuthours - Set authours of specified layer.
GetPath - Get path to file of specified layer.
GetFilename - Get filename of specified layer.
SetVisible - Set visibility of specified layer.
IsVisible - Get visibility of specified layer.
SetVisible - Set visibility of specified layer.
GetNumStudyLayers - Get number of study layers.
GetStudyLayer - Get specified study layer.
GetNumMapLayers - Get number of map layers.
GetMapLayer - Get specified map layer.
GetNumLocationSetLayers - Get number of location set layers.
GetLocationSetLayer - Get specified location set layer.
GetNumLocationLayers - Get number of location layers.
GetLocationLayer - Get specified location layer.
GetLocationLayers - Get all location layers.
GetNumSequenceLayers - Get number of sequence layers.
GetSequenceLayer - Get specified sequence layer.
GetSequenceLayers - Get all sequence layers.
GetNumTreeLayers - Get number of tree layers.
GetTreeLayer - Get specified tree layer.
= Viewport class =
Refresh - Regenerate all graphical elements within the viewport.
SaveImage - Save image of viewport.
GetWidth - Width of viewport.
GetHeight - Height of viewport.
SetBackgroundColour - Set background colour of viewport.
GetBackgroundColour - Get background colour of viewport.
GetLighting - Get object controlling lighting in viewport.
= Lighting class =
GetAltitude - Get altitude (y-position) of light.
SetAltitude - Set altitude (y-position) of light.
SetGlobalAmbient - Set strength of global ambient light.
GetGlobalAmbient - Get strength of global ambient light.
GetPositionX - Get x-position of light.
SetPositionX - Set x-position of light.
GetPositionY - Get y-position of light.
SetPositionY - Set y-position of light.
GetPositionZ - Get z-position of light.
SetPositionZ - Set z-position of light.
= GeoTreeView class =
SetGeographicAxisAngle - Set geographic layout line to the specified angle.
ProjectTree - Project tree to specified leaf nodes.
RestoreTree - Restore original tree.
SetLayout - Set layout of geophylogeny.
GetLayout - Get layout of geophylogeny.
GetLayoutLineVisibility - Get visibility of geographic layout line.
SetLayoutLineVisibility - Set visibility of geographic layout line.
GetLayoutLine - Get geographic layout line.
SetLayoutLine - Set geographic layout line.
IsLayoutLine - Check if a layout line has been assigned to the tree.
IsGeographicAxis - Check if a non-linear geographic axis has been assigned to the tree.
GetGeographicAxisVisibility - Get visibility of non-linear geographic axis.
SetGeographicAxisVisibility - Set visibility of non-linear geographic axis.
GetLeafNodeSize - Get size of leaf nodes.
SetLeafNodeSize - Set size of leaf nodes.
GetInternalNodeSize - Get size of internal nodes.
SetInternalNodeSize - Set size of internal nodes.
GetLineThickness - Get thickness of tree branches.
SetLineThickness - Set thickness of tree branches.
GetOrientation - Get orientation of tree.
SetOrientation - Set orientation of tree.
GetHeight - Get height of tree.
SetHeight - Set height of tree.
GetColour - Get default colour for tree.
SetColour - Set default colour for tree.
GetOptimizeTopology - Check if optimal tree layout is being calcualte.
SetOptimizeTopology - Set flag indicating if optimal tree layout should be calculate.
GetLabelVisibility - Get visibility of leaf labels.
SetLabelVisibility - Set visibility of leaf labels.
GetFontSize - Get font size for leaf labels.
SetFontSize - Set font size for leaf labels.
GetFontColour - Get font colour for leaf labels.
SetFontColour - Set font colour for leaf labels.
Set3dInternalDropLineStyle - Set internal drop line style for 3D tree.
Get3dInternalDropLineStyle - Get internal drop line style for 3D tree.
Set3dLeafDropLineStyle - Set leaf drop line style for 3D trees.
Get3dLeafDropLineStyle - Get leaf drop line style for 3D tree.
SetGeographyLineOffsetPercentage - Set offset of geography line (in percentage of layout line length).
GetGeographyLineOffsetPercentage - Get offset of geography line (in percentage of layout line length).
GetGeographyLineOffset -  Get offset of geography line (in percentage of layout line length).
SetSpreadGeographyPts - Set flag indicating if locations should be spread out evenly along the geography line.
SetLeafNodeBorderSize - Set border size for leaf nodes.
GetLeafNodeBorderSize - Get border size for leaf nodes.
SetInternalNodeBorderSize - Set border size for internal nodes.
GetInternalNodeBorderSize - Get border size for internal nodes.
SetGeoPtsBorderSize - Set border size for geographic points along geography line.
GetGeoPtsBorderSize - Get border size for geographic points along geography line.
SetBranchBorderSize - Set border size for tree branches.
GetBranchBorderSize - Get border size for tree branches.
SetLocationLineBorderSize - Set border size for location lines.
GetLocationLineBorderSize - Get border size for location lines.
SetCorrelationLineBorderSize - Set border size for correlation lines.
GetCorrelationLineBorderSize - Get border size for correlation lines.
SetLeafNodeBorderColour - Set colour of leaf node borders.
GetLeafNodeBorderColour - Get colour of leaf node borders.
SetInternalNodeBorderColour - Set colour of internal node borders.
GetInternalNodeBorderColour - Get colour of internal node borders.
SetGeoPtsBorderColour - Set colour of geographic point borders.
GetGeoPtsBorderColour - Get colour og geographic point borders.
SetLocationLineBorderColour - Set colour of location line borders.
GetLocationLineBorderColour - Get colour of location line borders.
SetCorrelationLineBorderColour - Set colour of correlation line borders.
GetCorrelationLineBorderColour - Get colour of correlation line borders.
SetBranchBorderColour - Set colour of branch borders.
GetBranchBorderColour - Get colour of branch borders.
SetTreeColourStyle - Set colouring method for tree.
GetTreeColourStyle - Get colouring method for tree.
SetReverseOrderGeographicPts - Set whether geographic points should be reversed.
GetReverseOrderGeographicPts - Check if geographic points are being reversed.
GetNumberOfNodes - Get total number of nodes.
GetNumberOfLeaves - Get number of leaf nodes.
GetDepthOfTree - Get maximum depth of tree.
IsMultifurcating - Check if tree is multifurcating.
GetLeafNames - Get names of leaves.
SignificanceTest - Perform Monte Carlo significance test.
= Layer class =
GetId - Get id of layer
GetName - Get name of layer.
SetName - Set name of layer.
GetDescription - Get description of layer.
SetDescription - Set description of layer.
GetAuthours - Get authours of layer.
SetAuthours - Set authours of layer.
GetPath - Get path to layer file.
GetFilename - Get filename of layer.
GetType - Get type of layer.
= Study Layer class =
GetNumMapLayers - Get number of map layers in this study.
GetMapLayer - Get specified map layer.   
GetAllMapLayers - Get all maps in study.
GetController - Get study controller.
= Study Controller class =
GetDatum - Get datum used by study.
SetDatum - Set datum used by study (must be set before map is loaded).
GetProjection - Get projection used by study.
SetProjection - Set projection used by study (must be set before map is loaded).
IsGeographic - Flag indicating if data is in geographic (i.e. lat/long) coordinates.
= Map Layer class =
GetNumLocationSetLayers - Get number of location set layers for this map.
GetLocationSetLayer - Get specified location set layer.   
GetAllLocationSetLayers - Get all location set layers. 
GetNumTreeLayers - Get number of tree layers for this map.
GetTreeLayer - Get specified tree layer.
GetAllTreeLayers - Get all tree layers. 
GetController - Get map/terrain controller.
= Tree class =
GetGeoTreeView - Get geophylogeny associated with this layer.
= Location Set Layer class =
GetNumLocationLayers - Get number of location layers for this location set.
GetLocationLayer - Get specified location layer. 
GetAllLocationLayers - Get all location layers.
GetAllActiveLocationLayers - Get all visible location layers.
IsSequencesData - Check if there is sequence data associated with at least one location.
GetController - Get location set controller.
GetChartSet - Get set of charts associated with this location set.
= Location Set Controller class =
SetLocationVisibilities - Propogate set visibility state to all locations.
SetLocationColours - Propogate set colour state to all locations.
SetLocationBorders - Propogate set border state to all locations.
SetLocationSizes - Propogate set size state to all locations.
SetLocationShapes - Propogate set shape state to all locations.
SetLocationLabels - Propogate specified label states to all locations.
SetColourField - Set field used to determine location colour.
GetColourField - Get field used to determine location colour.
SetColourMap - Set colour map associated with location set.
GetColourMap - Get colour map associated with location set.
SetUniformColourFlag - Set flag indicating if all locations should have the same colour.
GetUniformColourFlag - Get flag indicating if all locations should have the same colour.
SetUniformColour - Set uniform colour.
GetUniformColour - Get uniform colour.
SetBorderSize - Set border size.
GetBorderSize - Get border size..
SetBorderColour - Set border colour.
GetBorderColour - Get border colour.
SetLocationSetVisibility - Set visibility of location set.
GetLocationSetVisibility - Get visibility of location set.
SetShapeField - Set field used to determine location shape.
GetShapeField - Get field used to determine location shape.
SetShapeMap - Set shape map associated with location set.
GetShapeMap - Get shape map associated with location set.
SetUniformShapeFlag - Set flag indicating if all locations should have the same shape.
GetUniformShapeFlag - Get flag indicating if all locations should have the same shape.
SetUniformShape - Set uniform shape.
GetUniformShape - Get uniform shape.
SetSizeField - Set field used to determine location size.
GetSizeField - Get field used to determine location size.
SetMinLocationSize - Set min location size.
GetMinLocationSize - Get min location size.
SetMaxLocationSize - Set max location size.
GetMaxLocationSize - Get max location size.
SetLabelField - Set field used to determine location label.
GetLabelField - Get field used to determine location label.
SetLabelColour - Set label colour.
GetLabelColour - Get label colour.
SetLabelSize - Set label size.
GetLabelSize - Get label size.
SetLabelPosition - Set label position.
GetLabelPosition - Get label position.
SetLabelStyle - Set label style.
GetLabelStyle - Get label style.
SetLabelVisibility - Set label visibility.
GetLabelVisibility - Get label visibility.
SetLabelBindToChart - Set flag indicating if label is bound to chart.
GetLabelBindToChart - Get flag indicating if label is bound to chart.
GetMetadata - Get location metadata for the specified field (list of strings).
GetNumericMetadata - Get location metadata for the specified field (list of floats).
GetMetadataFields - Get fields for location metadata.
GetNumericMetadataFields - Get numeric fields for location metadata.
AddMetadata - Add field to location metadata.
= Location Layer class =
GetNumSequenceLayers - Get number of sequence layers for this location.
GetSequenceLayer - Get specified sequence layer. 
GetAllSequenceLayers - Get all sequence layers.
GetAllActiveSequenceLayers - Get all active sequence layers.
GetController - Get location controller.
= Location Controller class =
GetId - Get id of location.
GetNorthing - Get north or latitudinal position of location.
GetEasting - Get east or longitudinal position of location.
GetLatitude - Get north or latitudinal position of location.
GetLongitude - Get east or longitudinal position of location.
GetData - Get metadata associated with location.
GetProjection - Get projected coordinates of location.
GetPosition - Get grid coordinates of location.
SetColour - Set colour of location marker.
GetColour - Get colour of location marker.
SetSize - Set size of location marker.
GetSize - Get size of location marker.
SetShape - Set shape of location marker.
GetShape - Get shape of location marker.
SetBorderSize - Set border size of location marker.
GetBorderSize - Get border size of location marker.
SetActive - Set active state of location marker.
IsActive - Check if location is active.
SetRenderingOrder - Set rendering order of location marker.
GetRenderingOrder - Get rendering order of location marker.
AddData - Add metadata to location.
= Sequence Layer class =
GetController - Get sequence controller.
= Sequence Controller class =
GetSequenceId - Get id of sequence.
GetSiteId - Get id of site where sequence was sampled.   
IsActive - Check if sequence is active.
SetActive - Set active state of sequence.
GetData - Get metadata associated with sequence.
GetMetadataFields - Get metadata fields.
GetNumericMetadataFields - Get numeric fields for sequences.
= Chart Set View class =
GetChart - Get specified chart.
SetLayoutLine - Set layout line for chart set.
IsLayoutLine - Check if a layout line has been specified for the chart set.
GetLayoutLineVisibility - Get visibility of layout line.
SetLayoutLineVisibility - Set visibility of layout line.
SetLayout - Set layout style.
GetLayout - Get layout style.
UpdateCharts - Update chart to reflect any changes in the underlying data (e.g., changed active sequences).
= Chart View class =
GetVisibility - Get visibility of chart.
SetVisibility - Set visibility of chart.
GetDepth - Get depth of chart (controls rendering order).
SetDepth - Set depth of chart (controls rendering order).
GetWidth - Get width or diameter of chart.
SetWidth - Set width or diameter of chart.
GetHeight - Get height of chart.
SetHeight - Set height of chart.
GetBorderSize - Get border size of chart.
SetBorderSize - Set border size of chart.
GetWedgeBorders - Get wedge border size.
SetWedgeBorders - Set wedge border size.
GetSizeProportionalToSeq - Get flag indicating if chart size should be proportional to sequence count.
SetSizeProportionalToSeq - Set flag indicating if chart size should be proportional to sequence count.
GetMinSize - Get minimum allowed size of chart.
SetMinSize - Set minimum allowed size of chart.
GetMaxSize - Get maximum allowed size of chart.
SetMaxSize - Set maximum allowed size of chart.
GetAdjustedSize - Get adjusted chart size based on number of sequences.
SetNormalizedNumSeq - Set normalized number of sequences for this chart.
SetField - Set field used to create chart.
GetField - Get field used to create chart.
GetNames - Get name of all category.
GetPercentage - Get percentage of sequences assigned to the specified category.
SetChartType - Set type of chart to generate.
GetChartType - Get type of chart to generate.
SetAssignToOther - Set proportion for which a category will be assigned to the 'Other' category.
GetAssignToOther - Get proportion for which a category will be assigned to the 'Other' category.
SetCentre - Set centre of chart.
GetCentre - Get centre of chart.
GetLocationPos - Get position of associated location.
SetScreenPos - Set position of chart in screen coordinates.
GetScreenPos - Get position of chart in screen coordinates.
SetLabelBindToChart - Set flag indicating if labels should be bound to charts.
GetLabelBindToChart - Get flag indicating if labels should be bound to charts.
SetLabel - Set chart label.
GetLabel - Get chart label.
UpdateChart - Update chart to reflect any changes in the underlying data (e.g., changed active sequences).
= Visual Label class =
GetText - Get text of label.
GetColour - Get colour of label font.
GetSize - Get size of label font.
GetVisibility - Get visibility of label.
GetGridPosition - Get grid coordinates of label.
GetScreenPosition - Get screen coordinates of label.
GetRotateLabel - Get flag indicating if text should be rotated onto the plane.
GetRotateZ - Get flag indicating if text should rotate to remain horizontal.
GetRenderingStyle - Get rendering style of label.
SetText - Set text of label.
SetColour - Set colour of label font.
SetSize - Set size of label font.
SetVisibility - Set visibility of label.
SetGridPosition - Set grid position of label.
SetScreenPosition - Set screen position of label.
SetRenderingStyle - Set rendering style of label.
= Visual Marker class =
GetPosition - Get position of marker.
GetShape - Get shape of marker.
GetRotation - Get rotation of marker.
GetDepth - Get depth of marker.
GetRenderingStyle - Get rendering style of marker.
GetColour - Get colour of marker.
GetSize - Get size of marker.
GetVisibility - Get visibility of marker.
GetRenderingOrder - Get rendering order of marker.
GetBorderSize - Get border size of marker.
SetPosition - Set position of marker.
SetShape - Set shape of marker.
SetRotation - Set rotation of marker.
SetDepth - Set depth of marker.
SetRenderingStyle - Set rendering style of marker.
SetColour - Set colour of marker.
SetSize - Set size of marker.
SetVisibility - Set visibility of marker.
SetRenderingOrder - Set rendering order of marker.
SetBorderSize - Set border size of marker.
= Visual Line class =
GetColour - Get colour of line.
GetThickness - Get thickness of line.
GetVisibility - Get visibility of line.
GetLineStyle - Get style of line.
GetStartPt - Get start point of line.
GetEndPt - Get end point of line.
SetColour - Set colour of line.
SetThickness - Set thickness of line.
SetVisibility - Set visibility of line.
SetLineStyle - Set style of line.
SetStartPt - Set start point of line.
SetEndPt - Set end point of line.
GetLine - Get line.
SetLine - Set line.
GetDepth - Get depth of line (determines rendering order).
SetDepth - Set depth of line (determines rendering order).
= Colour class =
GetRed - Get red channel.
SetRed - Set red channel.
GetGreen - Get green channel.
SetGreen - Set green channel.
GetBlue - Get blue channel.
SetBlue - Set blue channel.
GetAlpha - Get alpha channel.
SetAlpha - Set alpha channel.
SetRGBA - Set new colour.
= Colour Map Base class =
GetColour - Get colour at specified index.
GetInterpolatedColour - Interpolate colour from colour map.
GetName - Get name of colour map.
GetExtendedName - Get name of colour map with either 'Continuous:' or 'Discrete:' prefixed to it.
GetSize - Get size of colour map.
GetType - Get type of colour map.
= Discrete Colour Map class =
GetColourMap - Get colour map with the provided name.
GetColourMapNames - Get name of all colour maps.
GetColourMapDiscreteNames - Get name of all discrete colour maps.
GetColourMapContinuousNames - Get name of all continuous colour maps.
= Point3D class =
Length - Distance from origin to point.
SquaredLength - Squared distance from origin to point.
Offset - Create new point offset by the specified amount.
Normalize - Normalize point (vector) to unit length.
Cross - Calculate cross product between two points (vectors).
Dot - Calculate dot product between two points (vectors).
Angle - Calculate angle between two points (vectors).
= GeoCoord class =
easting - Get easting or longitudinal position of location.
northing - Get northing or latitudinal position of location.
longitude - Get easting or longitudinal position of location.
latitude - Get northing or latitudinal position of location.
= Line3D class =
Offset - New line offset by the specified amount.
start - Start point of line.
end - End point of line.
startId - General purpose label associated with start point.
endId - General purpose label associated with end point.

Latest revision as of 17:10, 23 April 2013