Uploads by Dparks

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
13:01, 5 May 2010 GenGIS v1.06 Win32.zip (file) 26.21 MB GenGIS v1.06 setup file for Windows XP/Vista/7. 2
01:50, 1 December 2009 GenGIS v1.05 Windows7.png (file) 368 KB GenGIS v1.05 running on Windows 7 (x64). 1
13:55, 27 August 2009 GenGIS NA248 ND Geophylogeny.swf (file) 10.58 MB Video showing the geophylogeny of a subtree exhibiting interesting polymorphism at neuraminidase site 248 2
18:30, 26 August 2009 GenGIS NA248 ND Geophylogeny.zip (file) 1 KB Python script used to crate video showing the geophylogeny of a subtree exhibiting polymorphism at neuraminidase site 248 1
18:28, 26 August 2009 GenGIS NA248 Polymorphism.zip (file) 2 KB Python script used to crate video showing the geophylogeny of a subtree exhibiting polymorphism at neuraminidase site 248. 2
17:01, 26 August 2009 H1N1 Concatenate Midpoint.zip (file) 4 KB Phylogenetic tree for 203 complete S-OIV sequences used in Tracking the evolution and geographic spread of Influenza A analysis. 4
14:56, 26 August 2009 GenGIS NA248 Polymorphism.swf (file) 4.44 MB This video shows the temporal and geographic spread of neuraminidase site N248D as determined from sequences published at the NCBI Influenza Virus Resource as of August 11, 2009. 2
14:29, 26 August 2009 H1N1 Panmixia Subtree.zip (file) 438 bytes Subtree used to show panmixia in Tracking the evolution and geographic spread of Influenza A analysis. 3
14:28, 26 August 2009 H1N1 NA248 ND Subtree.zip (file) 1 KB Subtree used in geophylogeny video in tracking the evolution and geographic spread of Influenza A analysis. 1
11:47, 26 August 2009 H1N1 NA248 VN Subtree.zip (file) 1 KB Subtree used in geophylogeny video in tracking the evolution and geographic spread of Influenza A analysis. 2
01:13, 26 August 2009 Aa sequences.zip (file) 6 KB Sequence file used in Tracking the evolution and geographic spread of Influenza A analysis. 1
01:13, 26 August 2009 H1n1locations.zip (file) 619 bytes Location file used in Tracking the evolution and geographic spread of Influenza A analysis. 1
19:40, 25 August 2009 GenGIS NA248 VN Geophylogeny.swf (file) 6.97 MB Video showing the geophylogeny of a subtree exhibiting interesting polymorphism at neuraminidase site 248 2
19:33, 25 August 2009 GenGIS NA248 VN Geophylogeny.zip (file) 1 KB Python script used to crate video showing the geophylogeny of a subtree exhibiting polymorphism at neuraminidase site 248 1
19:32, 25 August 2009 H1N1 SOIV Aug11.zip (file) 10 KB Metadata for 203 complete S-OIV sequences obtained from the NCBI Influenza Virus Resource on Aug. 11, 2009. 3
15:03, 17 July 2009 ISEA mtDNA.zip (file) 96 KB Human mitochondrial DNA geophylogeny (Parks et al., Genome Res., 2009). 1
13:55, 17 July 2009 Africa hiv.zip (file) 399 KB Non-recombinant HIV-1 subtypes in Africa (Parks et al., Genome Res., 2009). 1
13:54, 17 July 2009 Aftica hiv.zip (file) 399 KB Non-recombinant HIV-1 subtypes in Africa (Parks et al., Genome Res., 2009). 1
13:42, 17 July 2009 Gos atlantic.zip (file) 961 KB Taxonomic diversity from the Global Ocean Sampling expedition (Parks et al., Genome Res., 2009). 1
16:17, 6 July 2009 GenGIS v1.05 Win32.zip (file) 26.61 MB Install file for GenGIS (Win32 v1.05) 1
15:08, 3 July 2009 GenGIS OSX Install.tar.gz (file) 68.81 MB Reverted to version as of 10:41, 4 May 2009 4
14:25, 16 June 2009 GenGIS v1.04 OSX.tar.gz (file) 68.99 MB Install file for GenGIS (Win32 v1.04) 1
13:53, 16 June 2009 GenGIS v1.04 Win32.zip (file) 26.6 MB Install file for GenGIS (Win32 v1.04) 1
17:44, 4 June 2009 H1N1 SwineFlu Geophylogeny.zip (file) 51.09 MB Geophylogeny of the HA segment during the 2009 H1N1 influenza outbreak. 2
11:18, 2 June 2009 GenGIS Win32 Install.zip (file) 26.6 MB Install file for GenGI (Win32 v1.03) 5
15:03, 1 June 2009 H1N1 SwineFlu HA Polymorphism.swf (file) 18.6 MB Spread of polymorphic amino acid sites during the 2009 Influenza Outbreak 1
15:02, 1 June 2009 H1N1 SwineFlu HA Polymorphism.zip (file) 18.61 MB Spread of polymorphic amino acid sites during the 2009 Influenza Outbreak 1
18:45, 28 May 2009 HIV Export GBR POL ITA.jpg (file) 104 KB Top three countries Britian (GBR), Poland (POL), and Italy (ITA) export H1V-1 subtype B to. 1
18:28, 28 May 2009 HIV spain export.jpg (file) 103 KB Relative rate of 'export' of HIV-1 subtype B from Spain (ESP) to Greece (GRC), Italy (ITA), Portugal (PRT), and Luxemburg (LUX). 1
18:06, 28 May 2009 EuropeHIV.zip (file) 1.77 MB Data for visualizing mobility rates of HIV-1 subtype B in Europe recently reported by Paraskevis et al. (2009). 2
19:42, 23 May 2009 Europe.zip (file) 1.76 MB Europe ASCII grid. 1
19:34, 23 May 2009 Africa.tif (file) 1.32 MB Africa GeoTIFF file. 1
15:47, 22 May 2009 ExpressInstall.swf (file) 773 bytes   1
15:05, 22 May 2009 H1N1 SwineFlu Spread.swf (file) 13.71 MB Spread of 2009 Influenza Outbreak 1
15:04, 22 May 2009 H1N1 SwineFlu Spread.zip (file) 13.72 MB Spread of 2009 Influenza Outbreak 1
14:29, 14 May 2009 BestMovieEver.swf (file) 9.51 MB   1
15:18, 11 May 2009 NorthAtlantic.jpg (file) 66 KB Map of North Atlantic Seaboard from 100W50N to 50W5N. 1
02:49, 11 May 2009 WireframeDEM.jpg (file) 157 KB Wireframe rendering of DEM. 1
02:41, 11 May 2009 Katydid3D.jpg (file) 55 KB 3D Geophylogeny of Banza katydids from the Hawaiian Islands. 1
23:54, 9 May 2009 SydneyTarPonds.jpg (file) 168 KB Sydney Tar Ponds (Pie charts indicating abundance of different taxa). 1
00:22, 9 May 2009 CaliSalamander.jpg (file) 105 KB   1
21:18, 7 May 2009 GUI Overview Mashup.jpg (file) 97 KB   2
14:54, 5 May 2009 GenGIS Win32 Src.zip (file) 160.35 MB   2
22:58, 4 May 2009 CaliSalamander small.jpg (file) 33 KB Ensatina eschscholtzii of the western United States. 1
21:02, 4 May 2009 ToolbarMashup.jpg (file) 10 KB GenGIS Toolbar 1
04:24, 4 May 2009 CameraViewToolbar.jpg (file) 3 KB   2
04:15, 4 May 2009 NavigationWidget.jpg (file) 7 KB Navigation widget. 1
04:15, 4 May 2009 GenGIS Katydid Tutorial.pdf (file) 976 KB In this tutorial, we consider the phylogenetic tree of Banza katydids (acoustic insects) from the Hawaiian Islands recently recovered by Shapiro et al. 4
03:53, 4 May 2009 GenGIS Mac Src.tar.gz (file) 78.34 MB   2
11:58, 3 May 2009 KaydidTutorialImage.jpg (file) 127 KB Geophylogeny Banza katydids from the Hawaiian Islands 1
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