API Functions

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API Functions

File IO functions

Open specified map file.
  • Example: openMap('X:/myData/worldMap.dem')
Open specified location set file.
  • Example: openLocations('X:/myData/location-set.csv')
Open specified sequence data file.
  • Example: openSequenceData('X:/myData/sequences.csv')
Open specified tree file.
  • Example: openTree('X:/myData/myTree.gtm')

Console functions

Writes text to the GenGIS Console and to the log file.
  • Example: write('Hello World!')
Writes text to the GenGIS Console in red and to the log file.
  • Example: warning('You have been warned.')
Writes text to the GenGIS Console in bright red and to the log file.
  • Example: error('Seems something really bad just happened.')

GUI element functions

Yields control to pending messages in the windowing system. This must be called whenever you wish GUI elements to be updated.
  • Example: wxSafeYield()
Show (True) or hide (False) the Console panel. Calling console without any arguments causes the visibility of the console to be toggled.
  • Example: console(False)
Indicates current visibility of the Console panel.
  • Example: isVisibile = consoleVisible()
Show (true) or hide (False) the Side panel. Calling sidePanel without any arguments causes the visibility of the side panel to be toggled.
  • Example: sidePanel(True)
Indicates current visibility of the Side panel.
  • Example: isVisibile = sidePanelVisible()
Indicates the width of the Viewport
  • Example: width = viewportWidth()
Indicates the height of the Viewport
  • Example: height= viewportHeight()

Map functions

Sets the 3D terrain to a top-down view.
  • Example: viewTop()
Set the 3D terrain view to the default perspective view.
  • Example: viewReset()
Increase (positive numbers) or decrease (negative numbers) the level-of-detail of the map. Default value = 1.
  • Example: detail()
Display the map as a wireframe (True) or as a textured terrain (False). Calling wireframe without any arguments causes the display mode of the map to be toggled.
  • Example: wireframe(True)
Indicates if map is currently being displayed as a wireframe (True) or textured terrain (False).
  • Example: mode = isWireframe()
Redraws the terrain. It is necessary to call this functions after many Camera functions (see below).
  • Example: refresh()

Camera functions

Move camera up by the specified number of units. Default value = 1.
  • Example: up(5)
Move camera down by the specified number of units. Default value = 1.
  • Example: down(5)
Move camera left by the specified number of units. Default value = 1.
  • Example: left(5)
Move camera right by the specified number of units. Default value = 1.
  • Example: right(5)
Rotate the camera counterclockwise by the specified number of degrees. Default value = 1.
  • Example: rotate(-50)
Change pitch of camera by the specified number of degrees. Default value = 1.
  • Example: pitch(10)
Change zo0m of camera by specified number of units. Default value = 1.
  • Example: zoom(5)
Get the current (x,y,z) position of the camera.
  • Example: camPos = getPosition()
Set (x,y,z) position of the camera.
  • Example: setPosition(xPos, yPos, zPos)
Get yaw angle of camera (in degrees).
  • Example: yaw = getYaw()
Set yaw angle of camera (in degrees).
  • Example: setYaw(10)
Get pitch of camera (in degrees).
  • Example: pitch= getPitch()
Set pitch of camera (in degrees).
  • Example: setPitch(10)

Geometric primitives

Point3D(x, y, z)
Define a point in 3D space.
  • Example: pt = Point3D(1.0, 0.0, 0.5)
Line3D(x, y, z)
Define a line in 3D space.
  • Example: line = Line3D(Point3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Point3D(1.0, 0.0, 0.5))
convertGeoCoord(northing, easting, point3D
Converts cartesian geographic coordinates (used within GenGIS) to its corresponding point in the Viewport.
  • Example: convertGeoCoord(locData[0].northing, locData[1].easting, pt)
convertLatLong(latitude, longitude, point3D)
Converts geographic point specified as a lat/long to its corresponding point in the Viewport.
  • Example: convertLatLong(53.22, -23.2, pt)

User-define graphical elements

Colour(red, green, blue)
Define a colour.
  • Example: colour = Colour(1,0,0)
VisualLine(colour, width, style, line)
Create a visual line to be rendered in the Viewport.
  • Example: line = VisualLine(Colour(1,0,0), 2, LINE_STYLE.SOLID, Line3D(Point3D(0,0,0), Point3D(1,1,1)))
Add line to Viewport.
  • Example: lineId = addLine(line)
  • Note: you may need to call refresh() to make the line visible in the Viewport
Remove line with the specified id.
  • Example: removeLine(lineId)
  • Note: you may need to call refresh() to visibily removed the line from the Viewport
VisualMarker(colour, size, shape, position)
Create a visual marker to be rendered in the Viewport.
  • Example: marker = VisualMarker(Colour(1,0,1), 6, MARKER_SHAPE.CIRCLE, Point3D(0,0,0))
Add marker to Viewport.
  • Example: markerId = addMarker(marker)
  • Note: you may need to call refresh() to make the marker visible in the Viewport
Remove marker with the specified id.
  • Example: removeMarker(markerId)
  • Note: you may need to call refresh() to visibily removed the marker from the Viewport
VisualLabel(message, colour, fontSize)
Create a visual label to be rendered in the Viewport.
  • Example: label = VisualLabel("Hello World", Colour(1, 0, 0), 12)
  • Note: as a minimum you need to call the VisualLabel member function SetGridPosition(Point3D) or SetScreenPosition(Point3D)
Add label to Viewport.
  • Example: labelId = addLabel(label)
  • Note: you may need to call refresh() to make the label visible in the Viewport
Remove labelwith the specified id.
  • Example: removeLabel(labelId)
  • Note: you may need to call refresh() to visibily removed the label from the Viewport

Misc. functions

Exit GenGIS immediately.
  • Example: quit()
Save PNG image of the Viewport.
  • Example: saveImage('X:/myData/screenshot.png')
dir (built-in Python function)
Return a list of all functions in the current scope.
  • Example: dir()