Transmission of Vibrio cholerae into Haiti.
Geophylogeny of katydids in Hawai'i.
Kangaroo apple phylogeny.
Similarity of plant and bacterial samples in Wood Buffalo National Park.
Two views of the human microbiome: across body sites, and gut samples across individuals and time points.
Earth Microbiome Project samples, and clustering of Arctic sites by pH.
Early samples and geophylogeny of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic.
Intermingling of 2009 H1N1 isolates from different continents provides strong evidence of the global nature of this pandemic (
Parks et al., 2009).
H1N1 outbreak - GenGIS is being used to examine the geographic spread and evolutionary relationships of the swine flu strains and isolates that have been collected to date.
HIV-1 subtype B in Europe - Here we show how GenGIS can be used to visualize the results of Paraskevis et al. (2009) which proposed mobility rates of HIV-1 subtype B in Europe.